Check out the latest news on Diana's web site: the publisher, Random House, is running a contest to spread the word about Diana's books, in preparation for the release of AN ECHO IN THE BONE on September 22.

All you have to do is fill out the entry form on the Random House web site on or before July 31, 2009, and they will randomly select 100 winners to receive a carton of 24 copies of OUTLANDER, with a special cover "just for the uninitiated" (really, this has to be seen to be truly appreciated, so go check out the picture on Diana's web site!).

Each winner will be sent a carton with 24 copies of OUTLANDER to give away for free to his/her friends, family, colleagues, etc. You know you'll be giving them an amazing novel, and people love to get free books! AND, we'll randomly select 20 people from all of those who offer to participate, to receive a pre-publication copy of ECHO IN THE BONE.
But you have to act fast. The offer is only good through the end of July, so enter today!

Good luck!

UPDATE 7/28/2009 6:23 a.m. Please note, the contest is only open to residents of the U.S. or Canada.

UPDATE 8/7/2009 5:33 p.m. According to Diana's web site, "Winners will be notified by 9/1." There were more than 8,600 entries.


  1. It also says one must be a resident of the US to enter. Boo hoo!
  2. Met:

    Well, that's a shame! Thanks for pointing that out, though. I hadn't thought to look at the fine print.

  3. This is more than a little exciting. I just signed up! My book club will have to pick Outlander if I win this contest! :-) I can also stop passing around my bedraggled copy and give everyone their own which would be great.

    Thanks for the news!

  4. I'm supposed to leave a comment because my favorite Outlander character was: "other". I didn't ever expect to read Outlander or any of the others. I pretty much stick to non-fiction. Biographies, economics, philosophy, physics, journalism, politics, history, etc.

    An amazing young woman in my life suggested the Outlander series. I went to the local 1/2 price book store and inquired of one of my favorite booktenders. He said, "Really?", and looked at me in a manner that showed he was quite amazed as he pointed me to the romance section. I forgot I knew how to blush.

    I found a connection with Jamie I never expected. I've never met a character I identify with more. His character and Claire's amaze me.

    Claire, incredibly, personifies the young lady who introduced me to Diana's work. I have not read further as I have seen others reactions as they read the series. I have been dying to read further, but am ashamed I cannot.

    I recognize as I write that Jamie is not my favorite, just the one I identify with. Claire is my favorite. I see her everytime lightning lights the skies...my dragonfly.
  5. I live in Australia so cant enter the competition, what a shame!!!
  6. Erik:

    Thanks for speaking up! I would definitely encourage you to read the rest of the series. It's well worth it, I promise! Especially if you feel such a strong connection to the characters.

    I am also one of those people who "wouldn't be caught dead in the Romance section of a bookstore". For all the years that Diana's books were shelved in Romance, they might as well have been utterly invisible to me. Thanks to Diana's persistence, the major bookstore chains in the U.S. (Borders, Barnes & Noble and the like) switched several years ago to stocking the OUTLANDER books under Fiction, or Literature, not Romance.

  7. @Metpatpetet - It is not just the US, Canadians also qualify.


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