Excerpt booklets on eBay

Someone on the Compuserve forum mentioned the other day that a signed copy of the ECHO excerpt booklet sold for more than $51.00 on eBay. Now I see there's another one (unsigned) up for sale, with the bidding already up to $20.01 last time I looked.

I am just amazed (astounded, actually) that people will pay that much for something that's available in many bookstores in the U.S. for free (while supplies last, anyway). The book itself will be available in just over three months, and Amazon has it for pre-order for $19.80, less than the cost of buying that 32-page booklet on eBay.

Here's Diana's reaction on Compuserve:

It's completely nuts--given that said booklets are being given away free this week (though admittedly not everywhere), and that the _whole book_ will be available in three months.

I just worry that the person who bought it did so thinking--despite all evidence to the contrary--that it was an early copy of the book. (Kind of amazing that people who are nuts enough about a book to buy this kind of thing frequently don't _read_ (what's on the screen in front of them), but it's pretty common.)

What do you think? Are these people nuts, or just desperately addicted and unable to wait?


  1. Well you know, they not only can't wait for any word to drop from DG's pen, they might also figure that something which is released in relatively small quantities could have some monetary value some day.

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