ECHO excerpt booklet

For those of you who read ECHO excerpts, here is some interesting news I found on Compuserve this morning. A 32-page booklet of excerpts from ECHO -- originally printed for the Book Expo that took place in New York recently -- is now available for free at Borders bookstores in the U.S. (and possibly other bookstores as well).

The link above includes a photo of the booklet. I'm excited just to see it -- real, tangible evidence that the book is coming soon! Even though I don't plan to peek at the excerpts myself, I thought many of you would be interested to know about it.

Also note, the booklet includes an introduction by Diana that explains what the image on ECHO's cover is, and what it has to do with the "shape" of the book. Those of you who have been following this blog for a while will know the answer to that (it's a caltrop), but her explanation is definitely worth reading anyway.

Diana said on Compuserve that they printed 20,000 copies of the booklet. I haven't seen it myself yet, but plan to look for it in the bookstore this weekend.

UPDATE 6/5/2009 9:49 am: I got a copy of the booklet at my local Borders yesterday. Hope you can find one too!


  1. Do you know if Davina Porter will read the unabridged version of Echo?
  2. Joyce:

    Yes, she will. And according to Diana, there will ONLY be an UNabridged version of ECHO. They won't be doing any more abridged versions of her books.

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