Diana Gabaldon mentioned on Compuserve yesterday that the PHOENIX NOIR anthology, which contains her short story titled "Dirty Scottsdale", will be released in November:

The editor of PHOENIX NOIR told me (recently) that the pub date Akashic gave _him_ is November of this year--but he's hoping that he can arrange for early copies to be sent to bookstores that will be on my US (and possibly Canadian) book-tour. I hope so, too!
You can pre-order PHOENIX NOIR on here.

For those of you who aren't familiar with it, "Dirty Scottsdale" is a contemporary mystery, set in present-day Arizona, and featuring a detective named Tom Kolodzi. You can read an excerpt on Diana's blog here.

I am not normally a reader of mystery stories, but from what I've seen of "Dirty Scottsdale" so far, it's going to be truly hilarious! Definitely a change of pace from Diana's typical writing.

There are a number of other books in the "Noir" series, by the way -- each featuring a different city. Check out the publisher's web site at for more information.


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