Happy Birthday Jamie!

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday, Jamie Fraser!

First of all, Happy Birthday to our favorite red-heided Scot! James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser was born on May 1, 1721, so today marks the 288th anniversary of his birth.

And to the rest of you, I hope you have a happy Beltane, May Day, or whatever else you may be celebrating today. (Even if it's just TGIF!)

April Poll Results

Here are the results of the April poll:

Who is your favorite villain in the OUTLANDER series?

  • 30.37% - Geillis Duncan
  • 25.92% - Black Jack Randall
  • 25.19% - Stephen Bonnet
  • 8.15% - Phillip Wylie
  • 5.19% - Laoghaire
  • 2.22% - William Buccleigh MacKenzie
  • 1.48% - Harley Boble
  • 0.74% - Richard Brown
  • 0.74% - Other
  • 0% - Arvin Hodgepile (he got no votes, which is very understandable!)

135 people voted in this one, which is the biggest number for any poll I've done so far. Thanks to everyone who participated!

The results turned out much closer than I expected. For the record, I didn't vote in this poll, but if I had, I would have voted for Jack Randall. He's one of the most unforgettable villains I've ever encountered in a work of fiction. Despicable, to be sure -- I don't know if I will ever forgive him for what he did to Jamie -- but unforgettable.

Please take a moment to vote in my new poll for May!


  1. Hi Karen,
    I first heard about Outlander on an amazon chat room discussing how much people hated the 4th Twilight book. The story sounded interesting, and I had to meet this Jamie character! Good luck with the painting.
  2. Joanne:

    I can't believe I forgot to include an option for people who first heard about the books online! Sorry about that, and thanks for speaking up.

  3. I first discovered Jamie Fraser on You tube! Yes you tube! I was looking up Gerard Butler music videos and came across one with Gerard as Jamie Fraser and the words from a post stood out to me "Yes, here is our Jamie for OUTLANDER!" Well, I was intrigued and started a search, found one with quotes by Jamie,especially the one about being a virgin and I was hooked! Before I knew it, I was at the book store purchasing OUTLANDER! Then soon rushed back for the rest!

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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.