Update to Diana Gabaldon web site

Diana Gabaldon's official web site has been updated with some more information about what Diana has been doing lately, including:

  • a live radio interview that took place earlier today (I didn't know about that one until it was over, unfortunately.)
  • more details about the Final Frenzy of ECHO
  • the latest information about Diana's upcoming public appearances
  • "OUTLANDER: The Musical" (Now don't get excited, this is only at the idea stage at this point, nothing definite! <g>)
I would encourage all of you to check it out!

UPDATE 4/24/09 2:37 pm: Diana mentioned on Compuserve that a recording will probably be available within a week or two, for those who missed the live interview. And I have been informed that this interview included a brief excerpt from ECHO. I will post more information here if I hear anything.


  1. Ok, I have to say this...Outlander the musical just terrifies me on so many levels. I'm having nightmares about Claire and Bri doing something similar to the Time Warp. LOL
  2. Hey, if they can make a successful Broadway musical out of WICKED, why not OUTLANDER too? LOL

    I'm sort of appalled at the prospect myself, but then again, they're only just starting to talk about the idea, so maybe nothing will come of it?


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