It's official!

Check out the latest update to Diana Gabaldon's web site, where you'll find her official announcement of the publication date for AN ECHO IN THE BONE (September 22, 2009, for the U.S. edition).

Less than six months left to wait. Can you believe it?


  1. Hi Karen,

    Great News On Official Announcement!!!

    I ran across a fun Outlander Link and thought I'd pass it along to you. It is called Jamie-isms and what I like about it is that you can quickly read some of Jamie's quotes from all the books (just scroll down to bottom of page and select the book you want). I'm going to try to post the link so you can take a look.

    I think this was created as part of the LOL site, but I've never seen it before (I don't think it's on their main page and easy to find) and thought if was pretty fun and maybe something that other Outlander Fans would enjoy as well. It's a great link for a Quick Jamie Fix!!!

    Also saw this fun video called "Chilli Pepper Pipers" that is very good.

    Love your blog, Enjoy!!
  2. Wow! that's a great news though still have to wait 'til six months but still congrats in advance and good luck for her.
  3. I have always wondered about the Outlander books but I have never actually read one. Now that I've looked through your site (thanks to the Entrecard brouhaha), I think I may just get me a copy. :)

    I see you're in Raleigh. I'm in Durham. Good to see another NC blogger.

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