Diana Gabaldon's YouTube channel

Diana Gabaldon now has a channel on YouTube, where you can find all sorts of OUTLANDER-related videos collected in one place: casting videos, interviews with Diana, the interview with Davina Porter that I mentioned here recently, and more.

The link is here.

Many thanks to Nikki Rowe on Compuserve for putting this together! Nikki asked me to pass on to you the following rules for using this site:

The Rules

1) DO NOT email Diana through YT! To circumvent a box full of email, they have created a new Yahoo account for YT mail and Diana has the password as well. So in theory she can check it, but in reality, Nikki would be the one answering the mails.

2) Folks can comment on the page and Nikki or Diana will respond.

3) If anyone has a video they want put on the channel, they can post a comment or send an email to dianagabaldon@ymail.com. This email address is to be used ONLY for things relating to the YT channel. This is NOT Diana's main email account.


  1. I fixed the link on the sidebar to Diana's YT site. Thanks to Kristina for letting me know!


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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.