Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all of you!

Or, if you prefer, "Bliadhna mhath ur", which is the Gaelic version. (Thanks to Cathy MacGregor on the Compuserve Books and Writers Forum for that useful phrase!)

Thanks so much to all of you who participated in the December poll. Here are the results:

What's your favorite gift from the books?

  • Claire's silver wedding ring (46%)
  • The medicine box Jamie gives Claire for their anniversary (29%)
  • Ellen's pearl necklace (15%)
  • The boar's-tusk bracelets MacRannoch gives to Claire (3%)
  • The sapphire ring Lord John got from his first lover, Hector (2%)
  • Hugh Munro's dragonfly in amber (2%)
  • Brianna's bracelet (0%)
  • Hector Cameron's dirk, given to Jamie by Jocasta (0%)
Please take a moment to vote in the new poll for January, which is all about the graphic novel.

This should be an exciting year for OUTLANDER fans, with AN ECHO IN THE BONE due out in the fall. I fully expect that by this time next year, many of us will be absorbed in discussions of What Happened in ECHO and What It All Means. <vbg>

Wishing you all the best in 2009!


  1. Happy New Year to you also!

    And let me thank you for the great work you do over at the Forum and for this blog, which I always enjoy reading.

  2. Happy New Year, Karen!

    I don't want to wish the year away or anything (God knows time goes fast enough for a middle aged mom as it is!), but it is exciting to think that we could be holding book 7 and gabbing away about it THIS YEAR!

  3. Happy New Year, Karen!

    I am enjoy your blog here verra much. You have such interesting topics and polls and up to date info on all things Outlander and Diana Gabaldon. I stop by often to see what's new!
  4. Nina and Shamrock:

    Thanks so much! I'm so glad to hear you say that.

  5. Diane:

    Yes, it's very exciting indeed! But first things first, she's got to finish WRITING the thing! <g>

  6. Nina:

    Thanks, I appreciate it!


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