Post-holiday ramblings

Poll Results

Here are the results of the November poll:

What do you think of the idea of an OUTLANDER movie?

Very excited! I can't wait! (25%)

Cautiously optimistic (36%)

Skeptical, but I'll probably go see it anyway (21%)

Disappointed that Diana is not going to be writing the script (5%)

It's a terrible idea. How can a movie possibly be as good as the book? (11%)

What movie? (This one got no votes, which I suppose is not very surprising. <g>)

Thanks to all of you who participated, and watch for a new poll later this week.

Thanks from Diana

I was delighted to see this, from Diana on Compuserve this morning:

"I'm thankful for all of you, especially Karen <g>"

People ask me sometimes, when I start talking about the Compuserve forum, "Does Diana Gabaldon actually know who you are?" The question is usually accompanied by a look of wide-eyed incredulity, as if to say, "You're on a first-name basis with a Best-Selling Author?!? How in the world did you manage that?" Sometimes I can't quite believe it myself.

Diana and I have never met in person (not likely to, either, unless she comes to North Carolina on a book-tour or something, because I don't travel a great deal), but she's gotten to know me through the Compuserve forum just the same way many of you have. I'm very pleased to be able to help out there in any way I can, especially now that she's entering the "Final Frenzy" stage of ECHO, trying to concentrate on finishing the book. As far as I'm concerned, anything that makes her life easier in the next couple of months benefits all of us who are eagerly waiting for the next book.


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My name is Karen Henry. I discovered the OUTLANDER books in 2006, and quickly became thoroughly addicted! If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this site, please email me, or post a comment on my Outlandish Observations Facebook page.