OUTLANDER tour of Scotland

If you've ever wondered what it's like to go on the "OUTLANDER Tour" of Scotland, take a look at this article, about the experiences of a group that recently went on this tour.

More information can be found here: Celtic Journeys

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with these tours in any way. In fact, I've never even been to Scotland, though I'd love to visit some day. Just passing on the information that I happened to see on the Ladies of Lallybroch site. I hope it's useful to you.


  1. Excellent! Thanks Karen!
  2. I'm quite excited, because I'm going on a tour in 2009 with the Jamie and Claire Tour for Outlandish Spirits! Can't wait. A bit nervous about flying, but it will be so worth it. I live on the west coast of the states, so is there anyone out there with tips for long flights? Sandy
  3. Sandy:

    That's very exciting! I would love to visit Scotland some day. If you want to post a link to your tour organizer's site here, feel free. I'm sure others would be interested.

    Good luck!

  4. I keep getting the web address wrong, but if you google The Jamie and Claire Tour, it should bring it up at the top of the page.

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