ECHO's cover design

It looks as though Diana has settled on a cover design for AN ECHO IN THE BONE. Here is what she said on Compuserve last night:

Well, I believe we're basically set here. ECHO will follow the same basic pattern of the series--deep jewel tone cover (I picked the color already--#222 on this chart), with a gold caltrop as icon. <g> Don't know exactly what the caltrop will look like, or whether they'll add embossing, Celtic ornament, or what--I'll leave that to the book designer.

But it'll match your existing set, no problems.

I am delighted with this news, since I was really hoping for a caltrop on the cover, and also that they would stick with the jewel-tone covers. (I really love the look of the matched set!)

Does anyone else think this particular color is a bit like the color of dried blood? <g>

Caltrops, blood, war, "mortality" as a possible theme...this is all starting to sound rather ominous, to me at least. But I guess we'll all just have to wait and see.

UPDATE 12/6/08 9:03 am: Diana posted a picture this week on her blog of the proposed UK cover design for ECHO, which is quite different from the US cover design. Look here for more information.

UPDATE 2/6/09 6:30 pm: Well, it's going to be a jewel-tone cover with a caltrop on it, but the background color will be black, not dark red. Look here for a picture of the proposed cover art. I think it looks fantastic! If you want to comment, my latest blog entry on the subject is here.


  1. Dear Karen,

    I also was glad to hear the caltrop coming to it.

    Maybe the other shapes could be still re-done.

    Question for anybody to answer:
    As I only have ABOSAA as HC, I am looking for a site, where you could see the HC covers of previous books (if they differ from the DJ). On AMAZON and equivalent places they usually show the DJ's or the cover art of paper backs.

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