Share your favorite OUTLANDER links

I was really pleased with the response to last week's blog entry with the links to items mentioned in the books. Several people have asked me to do a follow-up. But this time, rather than doing all the research myself, I'd like to ask for your help.

Do you have any links you've collected, relating to the non-fictional aspects of the OUTLANDER books, that you think others might be interested in? Such as:

  • Revolutionary War battle sites, weaponry, uniforms, etc.
  • Information about historical figures mentioned in the books (and not just the later books, either. Charles Stuart, perhaps?)
  • Pictures of Scotland: the landscape, the wildlife, the flora and fauna of the Highlands. I've never been to Scotland, and would really love to see some pictures of what the area mentioned in the books looks like.
  • Pictures of Culloden, if anybody has them available. I've seen only the black-and-white picture of the Fraser stone in the OUTLANDISH COMPANION, and would be interested in seeing more.
  • 18th century clothing or other items in use in daily life (either in Scotland or the Colonies) that have been mentioned in the books.
  • Kilts, tartans, and so on. (Anybody have a picture of a Scot dressed up in full Fraser clan regalia? <g> I would love to see that.)
  • Anything else you've run across that you think others would like to see?

If you're interested, you can either post the links here, or send me an email. I'll sort through them and post my favorite ones in a future blog entry.

Thanks in advance for your help!


  1. OK, Karen.

    Governor Martin was a real person. I once found good information about him here

    The link goes via TinyURL to the already removed pages about Gov. Martin.

    Short excerpt from his biodata:
    All together Martin had eight children, Mary Elizabeth, born in Long Island, 1762, two daughters born either in Long Island or in Antigua between 1762 and 1769, Sarah, born in Antigua about 1769, Alice, born in Long Island about 1770, Samuel, born in Long Island, 1771, Josiah, born in North Carolina, 1772, and Augusta, born in Long Island, 1775. Little Sammy and two unnamed daughters died in North Carolina, and Augusta died in England before 1788. The others were all living in 1795, Josiah dying unmarried in 1799. Of the mother’s death we know certainly but little. Payson says that she died at the age of forty-four, in October, 1778, a month before her father (Oliver, Antigua, III, 441; New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Jan., 1900).
  2. Jari:

    Thanks! You may be interested to hear that there was a recent governor of North Carolina (1985-1993) named Jim Martin. I have no idea if he's related to the 18th century Governor Martin.

    Fascinating article, btw. Did you notice where it said Martin's father had 23 children (!)

    Please feel free to send me any more interesting links you may have.

  3. Hey Karen:

    I have three links that might be of general interest, all having to do with North Carolina (I wonder why?) prior, during and beyond the Revolution.
    This is a neat one == check out the encyclopedia entries.
    This is a site that lists the Loyalists in North Carolina, the confiscations of their possessions and the reparations made.
    This is the site of the North Carolina Society of the Sons of the American Revolution.

    As I collect more, I'll share.

  4. Karen,

    Here is two Fraser Chiefs dressed up in full Fraser clan regalia. And you get not only the kilt but the arisaid, as well. Should be the most correct contemporary forms.

    The site has also a lot of Fraser infromation.
  5. Midge:

    Thanks! The encyclopedia on that site is just loaded with fascinating information, and I'll take a better look at it this weekend when I have more time.

  6. Jari:

    Loved the Fraser site - thank you! Lots of interesting information there.

  7. How to fold a kilt (I think I found this on LOL years ago):
  8. This is a dictionary of the Scots language.
  9. Atrevista:

    Thanks! That looks very useful. I typed in "hochmagandy" (a word that was used in FIERY CROSS to describe what Laoghaire was doing with whoever that mysterious person was that Jenny described to Jamie in her letter. And the dictionary immediately came back with the same definition used in the book: "fornication" <g>

    I think the next installment of my "OUTLANDER Links" series will be about All Things Scottish.


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