Diana's strange and unusual words
Just to name a few of my favorites:
coccygodynia (from DRUMS OF AUTUMN)
poltroon (from DRAGONFLY IN AMBER)
chisping (from BOTB)
absquatulation (title of ABOSAA chapter 94)
And in a recent discussion on Compuserve, Diana used the word armigerous, which had me completely baffled, until I looked it up. <g>
Diana has a fascination for those odd and unusual words, and she does indeed sprinkle them in her books on purpose, just as some of us had suspected. <g>
What do you think of her use of unusual words? Do you keep a dictionary nearby when you read? Jot down words to look up later? Or does this sort of thing get in the way of your enjoyment of the story? Do you have a favorite example of one of these unusual words?
Speaking only for myself, I love it when I encounter words like these in Diana's books. The really bizarre ones always make me laugh.
I do employ a dictionary or go straight to my computer's online source. Usually, though, I first try to glean a word's meaning from the context in which it is used. Then, I make sure to try and incorporate the words I learn into my vocabulary.
I also watch for "tricks," such as Diana's use of onomatopoeia, imagery, personification, etc. All of these elements, and many more, make for some of the best reading today.
Good to se you over here!
I agree 100% with your comment about "dumbing down". Diana's books have the opposite effect on me as a reader. I learn new things on every re-read (or "re-listen", as the case may be <g>). And I've found myself engaging in the sort of literary analysis on these books that I haven't done since college, looking for the deeper themes, the foreshadowing, the subtler shades of meaning that may be buried so deep that they aren't even visible until the umpteenth re-read. <g> It seems no matter how far I dig down into the deeper layers, there's still more to discover. And that never ceases to amaze me.
I just got back from playing hooky -- went to lunch with a couple friends who also have autistic kids.
You do not have to apologize for misspellings or typos. You have proven yourself, beyond a doubt, to be intelligent, thoughtful, and in possession of cognitive functioning. I didn't even see the error until you pointed it out. : )
I agree with you! I love the new and interesting (to me) words Diana uses in her books. I often find I have to look up words in my dict. as well. I also enjoy reading (learning) about English words that really aren't in use any more,(like usury). As a nurse I watch for the words for diseases that are no longer in popular use, like apoplexy. I can't imagine that written in a chart!!
Who knew when I picked up Outlander in the library, it would have such a significant impact on me and future reading.